Simple sentences. Simple words. But I got a number of messages asking me to explain myself so that’s what I’m going to do.
     A lot of the times people define success as having money — lots of money. Because of that, I’m going to talk about success in terms of money.

While having lots of money can cheer up some people, I don’t think anyone quite understands that while money can bring you lots of opportunities to experience things that can make you happy, there are a number of things that it could complicate. If you have money, you can become paranoid about the people you surround yourself with. Paranoia isn’t fun but being careful is pretty necessary. Another case is the person who has so much money that they don’t know what to do with it after a while and have no one around them to enjoy it with. To make a long story short, there are many scenarios and experiences that money won’t really add too much happiness to.
Think about what you love to do. Do you love to paint? Do you love to interact with others and help them with their problems? Do you love to make others laugh? Do you love to teach people about things? Do you love to talk? To write? To watch movies? To play? What is it that you really enjoy doing that you also feel you can do better than most other people? Everyone has something they’re exceptionally good at that they really enjoy doing. If nothing comes to mind, make a decision to try out new things. Get out into the world and try new things, meet new people. This is one of the best ways to discover your passions. We all have passions. What makes you excited about life? Is it music? Is it art? Is it entertainment? Is it food? Think about little things that bring pleasure to your life and figure out how to stretch them into bigger things that you can immerse yourself in.
All of the most successful people in the world love what they do for a number of reasons. That’s not a coincidence. Do you think that Oprah hates her job? Do you think she would be as successful as she is today if she hated interviewing people, hated sharing what she loves with the world, or hated helping people? I don’t think so. Do you think that Arnold Schwarzenegger hates politics? Do you think he hated working out and living a healthy lifestyle? Do you think that if he did he would ever win the title as Mr. Universe or Mr. Olympia? Do you think he would have ever become the governor of California? Probably not. Do you think Donald Trump hates real estate? Do you think if he hated buildings and negotiating and making deals that he would have ever been as successful in real estate as he is today? Doubt that.
Here’s another thing I want you to think about? If you had the option to make millions of dollars doing what you love or make millions of dollars without having to do anything, which would you choose? Let’s take it one step further, if you chose to not have to do anything, would you spend any money on doing something you were passionate about? Think about it. You don’t have anything to do and eventually you will get bored of just enjoying your money. Wouldn’t you enjoy it more if you could spend it on doing things you are passionate about? Let’s say you’ve always wanted to have your own clothing line. Would you look into getting it developed since you have the funds and nothing else to do?
The mistake many people make, especially when they head out to college, is they look at professions that pay the most money. Not to say making money is a bad thing. It can be a very good thing. But a lot of the times, people get involved in areas where they aren’t passionate because they see dollar signs. The lucky ones realize early that the money isn’t worth being in a career that they wouldn’t enjoy and are able to switch over to something more favorable. But, there are so many unlucky ones, that wind up with careers they don’t enjoy and are competing with people who are passionate and enthusiastic about their work. How can you expect to win against people who are a hell of a lot more passionate about what they’re fighting for than you are? It doesn’t make a lot of sense, does it?
Do what you love. When you are passionate about what you do, you will put in more effort than others, more enthusiasm. When you’re doing what you love, no matter how hard you work, it will almost feel effortless in a way. Natural. Second-nature. You would have probably put in the same amount of effort for less money – even no money – just because you’re enjoying it. Others who are less passionate will struggle and it will show on their faces. Others will notice this and think that you are the better candidate because you can put in more work and energy with a smile on your face and achieve better results.
Always do what you love to do. It’s silly to think that doing what you love and not chasing after dollar signs is the risky thing to do. Don’t chase after money. Do what you love and money will chase after you. Happiness will bring you success and more happiness which will bring more success which brings more happiness and so on and so forth. That is why you will notice that success sort of snowballs for very successful people. They don’t stop doing what they love no matter how much money comes their way. Oprah and Donald Trump could have realistically retired many years ago, but they didn’t and probably never will because they love what they do. They have success but they also have their passions and no amount of success can stop them from continuing to be involved in what they love. Money doesn’t stop dreams.



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