Imagine someone having everything that you could ever want. A beautiful face. In perfect health. Lots of money. Lots of friends. Drives around in a luxury vehicle or even has a personal driver. Refers to a mansion as “home”. Travels frequently to some of the most breath-taking exotic locations. Dines in the finest restaurants. Nothing is out of their price range. Seemingly happy. Would you be jealous of this person? If the answer is yes, you could seriously be depriving yourself of the same and better.What is jealousy? Jealousy is much more than just wanting what someone else has. It also includes a bit of anger, hate, passion, and negativity. 
  You want what they have and are angered that you do not have the same. You feel as though they have something instead of you. Being jealous affirms that you are without and that there is no room for you to have. Don’t believe me? Then why do you think it is so difficult for people to admit to being jealous? It is because of the fact that being jealous shows that they do not believe that they could ever have the same. Worse, admitting being jealous is admitting they could never have the same. According to the principles of the Law of Attraction, these feelings can be toxic.
                           Everything that exists in the world is made up of energy. Energy is a charge and can be negative, positive, or neutral. Your thoughts are energy. Your thoughts influence your feelings which are also energy. Your feelings influence your actions which are also energy. The Universe is the ultimate energy – the creator and the destroyer. The Universe only knows one word – “yes”. So if you are jealous you are thinking all of these negative things about these other people who are currently more fortunate than you are – guess what, you’re not harming them, you are harming yourself. As I said earlier, jealousy only affirms that you do not have and that other people have taken up what you feel you should have. The Universe receives these thoughts and feelings like a radio receives sound waves. The Universe only plays one song and that song is called “Yes”. The Universe says “yes” to you not having. The Universe says “yes” to there not being enough of anything left for you. You think this is bad? It gets even worse!
                     Not only are you affirming that you don’t have and that there isn’t anything good in the world left for you, but you are also not being appreciative of what you do have. The worst thing you can do is allow yourself to be in a state of ungratefulness. By being ungrateful of the things that you have in your life you are devaluing them. Once you start to devalue things you run the risk of them slipping away.So how do you stop being jealous and start bringing more of what you want into your life? Self-awareness. A lot of the times we do not give too much thought to our thoughts. They’re just thoughts right? They don’t matter. Wrong! Our thoughts are the root of all good and all evil. If you let your thoughts get carried away, you’ll notice your feelings being significantly affected. Once your feelings are negatively affected it’s all downhill from there. When you catch yourself getting those thoughts that bring about that jealousy within you, stop yourself by asking a question – “Would I be thinking this way if I had what it is this person has or even more?” The answer would probably be “No.” Continue on by asking yourself, “If I had no doubts of me ever having what they have or more in my life, would I be thinking like this?” Again, the answer would probably be “No”. Instead, opt to not be angry about this person and to choose to be happy. The quickest way to put yourself in the place of having what it is you truly want is to put yourself in the mindset of already having. Since you wouldn’t be jealous if you had the same or better, you wouldn’t be thinking the same kind of thoughts. You don’t have to love the person, but you don’t have to be envious of them and hate them for what they have either. (In fact, you can passionlessly dislike them for whatever other non-superficial reason you can come up with.) 

                  Think of all of the things that you have currently that you are appreciative of and imagine yourself having what you want as well. Let yourself get into the thought and get carried away enough that you smile to yourself. You’ll feel much better about yourself and you’ll have brought the focus back to you. When you stop worrying about what other people do, say, or have the only person left to think about is yourself. When you start to think of yourself and what you want, you let go of the draining and powerless feeling of jealousy and instead empower yourself to open up the doors of possibility and opportunity in life.



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