I once heard Pastor E.A Adeboye tell a story of the three fishes and how they received what they asked God for.
    The first fish asked God to give him eyes so that when the sharks come close to him he would be able to see them and run, and God asked him if he was sure that was what he wanted and he said yes. God granted him his wish and when the shark came to him he saw it and ran to the pool of water close by, but when the water dried up he died.

    The second fish asked God to give him wings so he could fly away from the shark anytime it came close, and as usual God asked him if he was sure and he said yes, God granted him his wish. The Fish saw a shark approaching to him with so much anger but the fish flew away from the sea, the fish did not even fly much longer before an eagle ate it.
    The third fish told God that all he wanted was for God to go with him wherever he went. One day, both the baby shark and the mother were swimming and looking for food, and the baby shark saw the fish and told the mother but the mother said ‘can’t you see the shadow that is following the fish everywhere he goes, if we go to eat the fish that shadow will eat us.’ And that was how the fish escaped death.

    You know this story is a reflection of what most of us ask God for, we should learn to acknowledge the fact that God is with us and if we seek the kingdom of God first every other things both the money and every other material things would be added unto us.


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