Victoria Osteen
   You are a person of influence! Everyone has influence whether they realize it or not. Influence isn't about having a social position or financial status. Look at Esther in scripture. She was an orphan living out in the country, and then one day, she was queen of the whole land. Her influence saved an entire race of people. Yes, she was in the public eye, but she was influenced by her Uncle Mordecai who was behind the scenes. You may not be in the public eye today, but you may the one to influence the influencer!

   Think about the influence you have over your circle, your children, your spouse, your co-workers, your boss and your friends. Your influence may be extremely subtle. You may not receive accolades or acknowledgements in this life, and you may not even realize all the ways you are affecting the people around you. Influence isn't about a social position; it's about a heart position. When you show up with a heart of excellence, you are operating from your place of influence. When you go above and beyond to do what is right, people take notice. Proverbs 27:17, "As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another."  You sharpen the people around you by simply doing what is right.
Today, I believe that God's favor is going to position you in places you never thought possible. I believe that as you steward your influence, as you keep a heart of excellence, God is going to multiply you. He'll take you places that you never dreamed, and He'll use you in ways you never imagined. Believe that you are a person of destiny and look for ways to operate in your place of influence!
"One who loves a pure heart and who speaks with grace will have the king for a friend." (Proverbs 22:11, NIV)


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