Victoria Osteen
    Everyone has gone through times when they've struggled to believe God. We have really big prayers in our hearts, but then we look at what we have in our hands and think, "Can I really accomplish that?" In reality, our victories are not going to be won by our strength; our victories will be accomplished by God's gracious hand of favor. His hand of favor is what will bring about the extraordinary in our lives.

    All through scripture, we see great men and women of faith who didn't hold notable positions. They didn't come from wealthy families or have all the right resources. One thing they had in common is that they all believed that God called them to do something great.
Joseph was just a young boy enjoying his life when he learned that his brothers despised him. They threw him into a pit and sold him into slavery. Have you ever heard yourself say, "Oh, my boss doesn't like me and that's why I can't get the promotion?" Or, you've felt like someone in your life has pushed you down, and you thought that they were the reason that you couldn't get ahead?
After Joseph was sold into slavery, he ended up in Potiphar's house where Potiphar's wife falsely accused him of something he did not do. Then He landed in prison. But through Joseph's ups and downs, he still believed he had the anointing of God. Ultimately, he ended up being the second in charge of all of Egypt! How could that have happened? When God calls you, when God anoints you, it doesn't matter what other people think about you or what other people do to you. With God on your side, nothing can hold you back!
"The LORD is for me, so I will have no fear. What can mere people do to me?" (Psalm 118:6, NLT)


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