To make yourself of great value to your world and your immediate environment, you need to conciously develop yourself on area you want to see changes . There is a saying that nothing good comes easy...and this means that good things need to be nurtured and developed with great patience, to see that our most admired virtues comes into display in our lifes.

everybody wants to be valuable but how many people are ready to pay the price for the eruption of the value in their lives. To rebrand means to change into something of more value that has the tenacity to make you enviable to your world. As indivitual we look up to different people we admire in our society. The truth of change is to identify area of deficiencies in your life and see how possible you can change into the desire attitude you want. The reality is that most people don't just become successful like that, they strive to see it turn in for what they are expecting.

ask yourself some truthful qustion:
  • what am I deficient of?
  • how can I change them?
  • how can I maintain this change?                                                                    
Every successful man has a strong point and weak point but the wisdom here is that they have developed a way to major on their strong point and see how they can improve on them and convert their liability into asset e.g someone that talk alot can indulge in conversational adventure like (MC. Counselor, Teacher, Lecturer)   



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