We try to do the work of God sometimes, I watched a woman tell a story of how she told her two kids to go clean the room, she heard them quarreling and shouting on top of their voices.
She went upstairs and found her son john shouting at junior one to pick up his cloths and his shoes; she turned to left side of the floor and found out that the elder one have not even picked up his own clothes, shoes and bag that were also on the floor. She turned to her first son and said to him” john why don’t you allow do my own job, let me be the mum and you be the son. Go and pick your own cloth, your shoes and your bag”.
  You know this story remind me of what some believers do; we try to do the job of God. You have to let God do his job and try to remove the log of wood from your eyes before removing speck from someone else’s, you should do what you are supposed to do and let God be God.


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