Have you ever said to yourself am going to break up with this dude today and then you see yourself  calling and being opposite of what you just said, what is the real reason why people do what they do?
Some will say they don’t have time, some will also say they don’t have the money. We will always have the excuse of why we are not doing something but we should always know that when we have the right emotions to something we can always do that thing well.  Many won’t agree but it is the truth. According to Anthony Robbins ‘your decision shapes your destiny’. Do you know that one decision can change you and change your life, your believe and change your destiny? The reason we do what we do is to feel significant or important, but to feel that way we have to be unique. You can feel significant by believing the love that God has for you and that you have all it takes to fulfill your glorious destiny.


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