10 things that make real friends | Randy Taran

1. Focus on the good:  good friends do not have to impress, That's too much work. True friends see         beyond the surface, and appreciate your good qualities.

2. Be real:  real friends laugh or mourn, be silly or get serious, and still feel the warmth of  true               connection.

3. The love note: A good friend is so fun to be with. Recognize good friends.

4. Mistakes are part of life: friends really do not condemn any wrong; we are all humans and make mistakes. We learn as we grow.

5. balance : in true friendship there is no leader or follower. you have to understand and be understood,  give and receive support and care enough to hear what is not said.

6.  forgive when there are conflicts, true friends find the courage to talk straight rather than gossip and let the discomfort increase. True friends understand, and they are capable of forgiving.

7. Loyalty, care and connection: a true friendship loyalty is key. You know they are there watching out. True friends look beyond the flash personality .

8. growth: life is dynamic and people change. True friends give space to each other to grow and open the door to share what is learned only through experience.

9. Water the plant: as plants, friendships also have to be watered. you have to be there when they need you, calling to see how they are doing.

10. Celebrate the good things: true friends celebrate your victories. They want the best for you and care enough to be truly happy for your success.


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