Everybody says the same word 'stay strong', but they don't actually understand what it really means to actually stay strong when you are feeling depressed, sad and angry. I learnt how to stay strong with this tips that can actually help you:

1) FAKE IT:  I do this a lot and it has actually helped to build my self confidence too. I  fake that am happy by smiling, laughing out loud to anything that sounds funny. I know it actually sounds funny but try it because it really works.

2)SPEAK IT: sometimes when I just fake it and it seems like nothing is actually helping to change my mood, I just start talking to myself of how I love being happy and how I can never be sad, and try to look at the positive aspect of everything. trust me it works most times

3)TALK TO GOD ABOUT IT: well a lot of people always forget who their maker is and they keep wasting their time talking to people who don't actually understand how you feel. the best person to talk to is God and then have the expectation in your heart that everything would be fine.     I try this every time and it has never failed me. love you and thank you for making out time to read this, please make sure you leave your own comment on what actually make you stay strong.


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