Being a teacher is one of the best things that anyone can decide to become. There is a dying need for education and it is gotten first and foremost at home, in the school and our interaction with our immediate environment.
Teaching is not designed for those who could not get jobs, but for those who have the best to offer to the next generation. If you are posted to a school for your Youth Service, remember that it is a service to the nation. Don’t ask to be rejected, instead make an attempt to impact the younger generation.
I personally want to become a teacher and I have come to an understanding that in developed countries, it is the 4 to 5 of the top 10 members of the class  that return to become teachers, lecturers and professors. Education is an everyday learning process, the need for continual self development is necessary for relevance in anything or field we decide to specialize in. Your organization would only grant you promotion if you have better qualifications than you had 2 or 3 years.

Youths who are termed to be changers and leaders of tomorrow are addled as a result of the difference in pay on a job. One cannot be satisfied with just a good pay.
There is a desire to enjoy what you do everyday and put in your best to achieve the utmost efficiency. Just as Proverbs 22:29 states an individual who does a good job, would not go unappreciated or unnoticed.
We are set to be Pathfinders, and we have been told that vision is what enables us make an impact and not just be an abstract to your world. Therefore we need to rise up and think in order not to stink, lead in order not to be led, set a pace in order to occupy space and blaze the trail in order to rail our society.
We are therefore acquired the knowledge required to empower our society to have maximum impact to all.
                                                                                                                     -Oginni oluwadamilola

I knew something was wrong, I was always sad and everything did not really make sense anymore. I felt alone and all this was because I was not thinking about others, I was always thinking about myself. But when I decide to put God first there was this change from within, he taught me how to be happy,how to love. I was so angry because I thought it was the people around me that caused it, the truth was that it was my fault and the moment I changed my thought it changed my life.

I had trusted so many people and they had failed me, nobody could actually understand except God. I had to make myself realise that I was not of this world but I was in this world to change people and not to be changed. I had to believe within me that it was time to trust God even when things are not going my, now I know I have the grace to finish.

I have always love myself but the moment I decided to actually think about my life and how God has been so faithful, I knew it was time to give him my life and my everything. I fell in love with God and the way I saw things changed, he changed my friends, my thought, he thought me so many things.This decision changed my life and I know I will never be the same again.

I wanted to change my world and become a better person, I wanted to love the people around me. I wanted to think the way God wanted me to think and to act the way he wanted me to act.I wanted to be with the right people, I wanted to smile no matter what was going on. I wanted to stop all the negative things I used to do. And he made me to be different and I know I can never be the same again.

God is forever faithful, his ways are perfect and his promise is reliable and true. He protects all who take refuge and put their trust in him. He is bigger than any problem you may have. Try and put God first and know that this God will help you finish and you will know that nothing you are facing is new to him, he will always be there to give you finishing grace to fulfil everything. 

by Benard

Some people believe that getting angry is a sin, but God created all our emotions for a reason and getting angry is certainly not a sin. Holy anger is one of the driving force that enables you to overcome any situation that seem so stubborn.
 The word of God says that- "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." Ephesians 6:12 (NKJV). Yes, we nee to wrestle against the principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this age and spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places who oppress our spiritual growth and all blessings. So we need to fight and take it by force all our blessings from heaven because it has been already give to us.
Get angry about  where you are and try to get to a better place, God has given us all things. When I mean all things I mean he has given us authority  over the earth, authority over sickness, authority over failure, authority over depression. The devil did not created anything but he destroys and deceives people, you have to know your right and when you they are not happening; get angry!
 From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been subject to violence, and the violent lay claim to it.
Revenge as we generally know is the desire that a person has to pay back, pay out or retaliate for the things that a person has done. But to have a blissful life and peace all around you, you must never consider revenge as an option to pay back evil. Revenge is the worst thing anyone should ever consider to give him peace within, I hear most times when people say that until I do her back what she did to me I will not rest. Most times you may not know this little trick of the devil, the trick is that he want to divert your attention from what you are meant to achieve that day and bring temptations your way so that you can be negatively affected. When you think of how to pay back the wrong of others you waste your time on things that are not productive and you will agree with me that if you are unable to achieve your goals for that particular day when you become angry and it can also disturb your relationship with others. You need to loosen every one you have tied up in your heart because of the wrong they have done to you. You can be angry with someone but you have to try to get over it, because God loved us and sent his only son even when we were yet sinners, we should also learn to love because of God. . 1 peter3:9 
by Itohan

As Christians we are expected to grow everyday and it is expected for us to learn from our past,whenever we are going through any trial, we should be happy because there is going to be a breakthrough for us.God has given us the power to overcome and we just need to focus on God and not what we are going through. We can always be smarter than our problems, we are loved and when we have that in our mind it changes our mindset. most people believe their problem is from God, they think that is God's way of testing them. God love us so much to watch us suffer.
We will always overtake, the moment we know who we are, when we have negative emotions we should always know that whatever we are thinking is not inclined with God's word. God will always be there to take us from one step to another, we will always overcome no matter how big the challenge might be. God love us more than we can ever know.

God love us so much that he sent his son to show us how much he loves us, the same glory that God has was also given to us by Jesus. We have the power to overcome any challenge that we may be facing.

I had the symptoms of malaria one day and I had sleepless night so I woke up and declared the word of God concerning my life, but the pain persisted so I spoke tongues for some minute but the symptoms won't leave and I did not know what to do. I believed that God had healed me already 2,000 years ago and I knew in cases like this you need to focus more on Jesus rather than the  pain, I had to ask one of my mentors and he told me that sickness comes in three forms; lack of faith, lack of common sense, and lack of the right food. Then it hit me that a particular time I had not slept for 24 hours and I have not had enough rest.

When you are going through anything always know that Jesus overcame them 2,000 years ago. when you put your total trust in God he will never fail. He loves you and understand everything you are going through, he will always make you strong especially when you are weak.


To make yourself of great value to your world and your immediate environment, you need to conciously develop yourself on area you want to see changes . There is a saying that nothing good comes easy...and this means that good things need to be nurtured and developed with great patience, to see that our most admired virtues comes into display in our lifes.

everybody wants to be valuable but how many people are ready to pay the price for the eruption of the value in their lives. To rebrand means to change into something of more value that has the tenacity to make you enviable to your world. As indivitual we look up to different people we admire in our society. The truth of change is to identify area of deficiencies in your life and see how possible you can change into the desire attitude you want. The reality is that most people don't just become successful like that, they strive to see it turn in for what they are expecting.

ask yourself some truthful qustion:
  • what am I deficient of?
  • how can I change them?
  • how can I maintain this change?                                                                    
Every successful man has a strong point and weak point but the wisdom here is that they have developed a way to major on their strong point and see how they can improve on them and convert their liability into asset e.g someone that talk alot can indulge in conversational adventure like (MC. Counselor, Teacher, Lecturer)   


1. PRACTICAL TEACHING: God can send someone who would explain the bible in practical teaching to us. He may be pastor, a Sunday school teacher, choir head.

I remember when I got frustrated in choir one time because I was so tied of coming to the rehearsal and the meeting they usually had. I felt I did not have the voice and I saw myself walking to one of the choir leaders telling him that I was going to leave, I told him it was not my calling and I don't think God needed me there. That was one of the best thing I did that changed my life forever, he did not even tell me whether to leave or not. All he did was give me books to read, messages to listen and he spoke a lot about God. God used him to make me grow, God send people to us to change our mindset.

2. PROVIDENTIAL RELATIONSHIP: Rick Morgan defines providential relationships as the relationships that God bring into your life to ignite and grow your faith. The kind of people that challenge you to see new possibilities and understand new truths spiritually in order for you to grow in your faith. You usually see those relationships the easiest with hind sight, you look back and say to yourself, "thank God that person came into my life and helped me."

There are not many neutral relationships, most of the people we know will have an impact on our lives. Their values can easily become our values. You are around people everyday that do not care about your faith, culture is tearing you away from your faith, and besides culture you also have your old sin nature working against you. Maximizing the relationships in our lives for the purpose of growing in our faith is only half the picture

 Proverbs 27:17 As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.

3. PRIVATE DISCIPLINES: When you begin to practice the private disciplines of Bible reading, prayer, fasting, tithing, etc., your faith will begin to grow. As you trust God and develop strong habits, your faith strengthens.

4. PERSONAL MINISTRY: When you try to serve, you will see your faith growing. God's plan is for every believer to have a personal ministry, we are made for a task
'for we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do' (eph 2:10). God has a particular good work, or personal ministry for each of us.

They are said to be turning points, moments or experiences that looked back upon are remembered not for the incidents themselves but what was accomplished through them, they are moment when we decide to trust God or our self, when we choose to trust God our faith will skyrocket. For some people it’s just a single event, the understanding behind a failed relationship or the new found insight into why we act a certain way.

The God we serve is a God that listens whenever we call, he never sleeps nor slumber. He is so faithful and he will never change, he has been the God of 2,000 years ago and he is still the same God of today.
He sets a table before you right in the presence of your enemies and that is the best part of it all. He will do it right in the presence of your mockers, in the presence of those that don't believe you can.

God is such a friend that anyone can ever have, the moment you realize that God is all that really matters you can't be discouraged no matter what come your way. Sometimes we do make mistakes and all we expect is for God to judge us and tell how bad we have wronged him, but the truth still remains that he loved us when we did not even care about him, when we did not even know him.

 He loved us then and he still loves us now, so don't loose your fellowship with him even when you have made any mistake because it is not by your strength but the spirit works in us to perfect us, you need to renew your mind by the reading the word of God always.
One rule about success is to be filed with excitement all through life, don't let your surrounding affect your inner Joy.

There are moment in life when we feel like giving up, especially when we feel like God is not listening to our prayers. But we should always remember that Jesus said that he will send us a helper that will be with us forever, we are never alone especially when we are going through anything at all.
  God loved us when we lived in sin and he still loves us now. You have to know that God loves everyone equally, I mean everyone.... When you accept God's love by accepting him into your life and keep a close relationship with him, he would change you forever.
   Nobody can love you the way God loves you, God has given us all the things we need 2,000 years ago. You just need to believe it, and keep saying it...
  Never forget that God loves us and he has given us the power, therefore take charge of your life now!

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