As Christians we are expected to grow everyday and it is expected for us to learn from our past,whenever we are going through any trial, we should be happy because there is going to be a breakthrough for us.God has given us the power to overcome and we just need to focus on God and not what we are going through. We can always be smarter than our problems, we are loved and when we have that in our mind it changes our mindset. most people believe their problem is from God, they think that is God's way of testing them. God love us so much to watch us suffer.
We will always overtake, the moment we know who we are, when we have negative emotions we should always know that whatever we are thinking is not inclined with God's word. God will always be there to take us from one step to another, we will always overcome no matter how big the challenge might be. God love us more than we can ever know.



God love us so much that he sent his son to show us how much he loves us, the same glory that God has was also given to us by Jesus. We have the power to overcome any challenge that we may be facing.

I had the symptoms of malaria one day and I had sleepless night so I woke up and declared the word of God concerning my life, but the pain persisted so I spoke tongues for some minute but the symptoms won't leave and I did not know what to do. I believed that God had healed me already 2,000 years ago and I knew in cases like this you need to focus more on Jesus rather than the  pain, I had to ask one of my mentors and he told me that sickness comes in three forms; lack of faith, lack of common sense, and lack of the right food. Then it hit me that a particular time I had not slept for 24 hours and I have not had enough rest.

When you are going through anything always know that Jesus overcame them 2,000 years ago. when you put your total trust in God he will never fail. He loves you and understand everything you are going through, he will always make you strong especially when you are weak.




To make yourself of great value to your world and your immediate environment, you need to conciously develop yourself on area you want to see changes . There is a saying that nothing good comes easy...and this means that good things need to be nurtured and developed with great patience, to see that our most admired virtues comes into display in our lifes.

everybody wants to be valuable but how many people are ready to pay the price for the eruption of the value in their lives. To rebrand means to change into something of more value that has the tenacity to make you enviable to your world. As indivitual we look up to different people we admire in our society. The truth of change is to identify area of deficiencies in your life and see how possible you can change into the desire attitude you want. The reality is that most people don't just become successful like that, they strive to see it turn in for what they are expecting.

ask yourself some truthful qustion:
  • what am I deficient of?
  • how can I change them?
  • how can I maintain this change?                                                                    
Every successful man has a strong point and weak point but the wisdom here is that they have developed a way to major on their strong point and see how they can improve on them and convert their liability into asset e.g someone that talk alot can indulge in conversational adventure like (MC. Counselor, Teacher, Lecturer)   




1. PRACTICAL TEACHING: God can send someone who would explain the bible in practical teaching to us. He may be pastor, a Sunday school teacher, choir head.

I remember when I got frustrated in choir one time because I was so tied of coming to the rehearsal and the meeting they usually had. I felt I did not have the voice and I saw myself walking to one of the choir leaders telling him that I was going to leave, I told him it was not my calling and I don't think God needed me there. That was one of the best thing I did that changed my life forever, he did not even tell me whether to leave or not. All he did was give me books to read, messages to listen and he spoke a lot about God. God used him to make me grow, God send people to us to change our mindset.

2. PROVIDENTIAL RELATIONSHIP: Rick Morgan defines providential relationships as the relationships that God bring into your life to ignite and grow your faith. The kind of people that challenge you to see new possibilities and understand new truths spiritually in order for you to grow in your faith. You usually see those relationships the easiest with hind sight, you look back and say to yourself, "thank God that person came into my life and helped me."

There are not many neutral relationships, most of the people we know will have an impact on our lives. Their values can easily become our values. You are around people everyday that do not care about your faith, culture is tearing you away from your faith, and besides culture you also have your old sin nature working against you. Maximizing the relationships in our lives for the purpose of growing in our faith is only half the picture

 Proverbs 27:17 As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.

3. PRIVATE DISCIPLINES: When you begin to practice the private disciplines of Bible reading, prayer, fasting, tithing, etc., your faith will begin to grow. As you trust God and develop strong habits, your faith strengthens.

4. PERSONAL MINISTRY: When you try to serve, you will see your faith growing. God's plan is for every believer to have a personal ministry, we are made for a task
'for we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do' (eph 2:10). God has a particular good work, or personal ministry for each of us.

They are said to be turning points, moments or experiences that looked back upon are remembered not for the incidents themselves but what was accomplished through them, they are moment when we decide to trust God or our self, when we choose to trust God our faith will skyrocket. For some people it’s just a single event, the understanding behind a failed relationship or the new found insight into why we act a certain way.



The God we serve is a God that listens whenever we call, he never sleeps nor slumber. He is so faithful and he will never change, he has been the God of 2,000 years ago and he is still the same God of today.
He sets a table before you right in the presence of your enemies and that is the best part of it all. He will do it right in the presence of your mockers, in the presence of those that don't believe you can.

God is such a friend that anyone can ever have, the moment you realize that God is all that really matters you can't be discouraged no matter what come your way. Sometimes we do make mistakes and all we expect is for God to judge us and tell how bad we have wronged him, but the truth still remains that he loved us when we did not even care about him, when we did not even know him.

 He loved us then and he still loves us now, so don't loose your fellowship with him even when you have made any mistake because it is not by your strength but the spirit works in us to perfect us, you need to renew your mind by the reading the word of God always.
One rule about success is to be filed with excitement all through life, don't let your surrounding affect your inner Joy.


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