One of the worst symptoms of depression is a feeling of hopelessness,” says counselor Jaime W. Vinick. Feelings of hopelessness can discourage people from seeking treatment for their depression.
Those suffering from extreme hopelessness may not believe they will or can ever feel better, which explains why some attempt suicide, believing it to be their only way out. What’s more, some experts believe hopelessness to contribute to the development of depression, says clinical psychologist Nick Forand, Ph.D., clinical assistant professor of psychiatry at Ohio State University. For many people with depression, feelings of hopelessness are cultivated over time through a history of failures, Forand says. These failures may be either real or imagined, and self-criticism can play a large role in the latter.


  We all have an inner critic. For people who are depressed, this critical inner voice can have a powerful and destructive influence on their state of mind. It may be feeding them a distorted commentary on their lives,” says Jaime W. Vinick, M.C., LPC, NCC, chief clinical officer at Sierra Tucson psychiatric facility. What’s more, self-criticism may also predict depression. In a 2009 Comprehensive Psychiatry study of 107 adults, those who were most self-critical were also more likely to be depressed four years later. Pay attention to how often you or anyone else uses the word “should,” says Moe Gelbart, Ph.D., a psychologist at Torrance Memorial Medical Center in California. Frequently referencing your behavior by saying you “should” have done something else is a common sign of self-judgment. Learn how to combat that self-criticism with positive self-talk.


Often, when depressed, people report feeling agitated, restless or even violent, explains psychiatrist Robert London, M.D., who developed the short-term psychotherapy unit at the NYU Langone Medical Center. But anger is not only a symptom of depression, it’s also a possible contributor to depression. According to one Advances in Psychiatric Treatment editorial, when anger is left unaddressed it can lead to passive-aggressive behavior, which can be self-destructive and contribute to feelings of depression. London recommends that anyone experiencing aggression, hostility or just a “short fuse” discuss conflicts with others to work toward a possible resolution. Talking with a counselor or therapist can also prove helpful in sorting through feelings of anger or resentment and coming up with constructive ways of dealing with them.
Depression can do a number on a scale. When depressed, many people lose interest in eating because they no longer enjoy food. On the other hand, they may emotionally eat in a conscious or unconscious attempt to improve their mood. In fact, according to a 2003 study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, eating foods rich in carbohydrates can temporarily promote the synthesis of the feel-good chemical serotonin in the brain. What’s more, depression-induced inactivity can also contribute to weight gain. If a person experiences a change in body weight of more than five percent in a month, medical attention is necessary, says Robert London, M.D.
Depression can seriously take it out of you. “Depressed peoples’ bodies act as though they are under constant stress, which can lead to inflammation, which in turn can contribute to feelings of fatigue,” says clinical psychologist Nick Forand, Ph.D. Even if they don’t realize they are depressed, most people suffering from depression will complain of feeling tired, sluggish and physically drained, says psychiatrist Robert London, M.D. However, since these same people often experience sleep disturbances, the symptoms can be easy to explain away. What’s more, poor sleep can exacerbate feelings of fatigue and grogginess. In some cases, this fatigue can manifest itself through slurred speech, poor reaction times and slowed-down walking, gestures and other movements.


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