Revenge as we generally know is the desire that a person has to pay back, pay out or retaliate for the things that a person has done. But to have a blissful life and peace all around you, you must never consider revenge as an option to pay back evil. Revenge is the worst thing anyone should ever consider to give him peace within, I hear most times when people say that until I do her back what she did to me I will not rest. Most times you may not know this little trick of the devil, the trick is that he want to divert your attention from what you are meant to achieve that day and bring temptations your way so that you can be negatively affected. When you think of how to pay back the wrong of others you waste your time on things that are not productive and you will agree with me that if you are unable to achieve your goals for that particular day when you become angry and it can also disturb your relationship with others. You need to loosen every one you have tied up in your heart because of the wrong they have done to you. You can be angry with someone but you have to try to get over it, because God loved us and sent his only son even when we were yet sinners, we should also learn to love because of God. . 1 peter3:9 
by Itohan


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