1. You can forgive and expect your generosity to produce fruit
2.  Unforgiveness can bring mental blockage Luke 6:38

3.  Unforgiveness can bring about spiritual plague that causes stagnation, the root of unforgiveness is offence
4.Unforgiveness starts from an offence, anger, strife, malice, unforgiveness, and hatred. 1 John 3:15, 1    John 4:20
5. Assumption can bring offence and cause frustration matt 18:32-33
6.Unforgiveness opens door for the enemy to strike…do good to all man.
7. No one can really prosper with unforgiveness 1 Corinthians 13:3
8. Unforgiveness makes a man unprofitable 1john 4:8
9.  Unforgiveness stops the favour of God Romans 12:17
10. Forgive and God will fight your battle. Forgiveness is a thing of the heart

                                                                                               by Pastor Adekaya Ayotunde David


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