When was the last time you did exactly what it was that you wanted to do without making any compromises? Do you find yourself saying ‘Yes’ to others’  requests a lot more often than saying ‘No’? What about that friend that you  have that only calls to tell you about what they need your help with and interrupts you whenever it’s clearly your turn to vent? Do you ever feel like you are giving too much and have little left over for yourself?

In today’s fast-paced society trying to be all these things to all these people makes it easy for us to stretch ourselves too thin. By doing this we  are essentially putting ourselves last on our list of priorities. It has been said that we attract that which we project into the universe and what we project  depends on what we are thinking, doing, and saying. If we keep putting ourselves last, then what message are we delivering out into the universe? Would we not be informing the universe that we are of little importance and therefore be attracting more and more situations into our lives where our needs  and what we deserve will not be considered important? In order to reach our goals and get to where we want to go in life we have to focus on making sure that  we do what we need to do. In order to be in agreement with that which we want we need to feel worthy and treat ourselves as such.
Another way in which we may put ourselves at a disadvantage is by not taking our own advice.  There have been countless occasions where I have witnessed others, as well as myself, giving out advice and not following through when they find themselves in the same  situations. If you do not do what you believe is right because “it is just different when it is you” and you decide that you will just deal with whatever the consequences may be, the message you are sending out again to the Universe is that you are not that important. When you are compromising your beliefs you lose what you are compromising for. The last thing you want to do is compromise  yourself and who you are at your core. As Oprah said it best, “The Universe, God, whatever you choose to call it, only supports you in your greatness.”
While it is important to give and practice generosity, many people lose sight of their own priorities in the process. We have been taught from early  on in life that putting ourselves first is selfish and greedy and that we should always think of the other person instead of ourselves. Why not we trust the other person to take care of themselves and make it our business to mind our own business for a change? Think of how much more you could accomplish if you made your priorities a priority
                                                                                                -JESSICA HALLOW                                             


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